HypnoBreathwork® Saved My Life

That’s a bold statement to make but it’s true: HypnoBreathwork® saved my life.

Before I found HypnoBreathwork®, I was struggling with depression, anxiety, and an overall feeling of stagnancy. While I always felt my life was meant for more, I was feeling rather purposeless and out of alignment. I was struggling with being a mom to a teenage boy, my marriage seemed to be falling apart, and my work in the corporate world felt exhausting and draining.

In January/February 2020, I was desperate to run away from it all. I wanted to go on leave from my corporate job and I was even ready to leave behind my husband and son so I could go and find myself. I felt so lost and alone – and I knew I had to make a change. At that time, I was seeing all these ads for yoga teacher training in far away places, and I thought maybe that’s what I’m meant to do. But when I tuned into my intuition, I kept getting a loud and resounding NO!

Looking back now, I can see why it wasn’t the right time to be out of country with the looming pandemic that started in March of 2020.

So instead of going to a far away place and finding myself in the external, the corporate world was sent home to work and I started to feel a sense of greater balance in my life. I liked feeling like I could tackle some of laundry or dishes on my breaks and I even settled into more self care practices during that time. I spent my lunch outside soaking up some sunlight, taking an epsom salt bath midday, and nourishing my body really well.

Soon after the pandemic set in, I saw one of my favorite leaders in the spiritual world was creating a coach training program and this time my intuition guided me with a solid YES! So mid pandemic, I’m doing Sarah St. John’s coach training program called Illuminated. And I’m learning all the tools to become a coach, guide, and healer, when one of the guest teachers, Francesca Sipma, was invited to guide us through an experiential breathwork journey.

From that initial breathwork session, I knew this is what I wanted to do for other people. This was how I could make the difference I so desperately wanted, while also having the tool for my own personal development and growth.

11 ways HypnoBreathwork® has changed my life

  1. Gave me permission to fully feel my emotions.
  2. Showed me higher perspective on the loss of my sister when I was 3.
  3. Cleared stagnant energy in my body.
  4. Released chronic pain and inflammation from autoimmune diseases.
  5. Helped me heal my relationship and connect deeper to my husband.
  6. Reprogrammed subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs.
  7. Accessed my higher purpose and mission.
  8. Integrated parts of myself I wasn’t accepting or loving.
  9. Helped me step into my role as a light leader and healer.
  10. Guided hundreds of in person and virtual sessions for clients.
  11. Found deeper compassion, love, and acceptance for others.

If you found this inspiring, I would love to invite you into my space for a HypnoBreathwork® session. I would love for you to experience the impact and power of your breath. You can see all my offers and services here.

March 31, 2023


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